Dear Diary.. wicked thoughts again..

Dear Diary...

as a woman,  I cant stand faking it any longer

you know what I mean 

smile to get paid...

be nice to those you despise 

make those numbers work 

while you work harder for the numbers 

You know what whats even more pathetic when a motherfucker 

thinks you have no reason to be upset 

be happy 24/7 be perfectly FINE ALL THE TIME YOU DUMB BITCH

sometimes the pressure isn't worth it 

neither is following all the rules

fuck surrender..

fuck spending 

 spend to suppress 

curling your lashes while crying 

oh so me 

to hide the ugly scars on your face 

oh so fuckn me 

to hate in the mirror 

is a dead end 

a waste of time 

then they come in

the insecurities 

in this wild place 

life on earth 

these rulers 

these kings 

or fuckn wannabes 

they expect your respect 

well fuck that 

and fuck you 

they expect you to be fuckn nice...

after the hell

they put us through

oh fuck off motherfucker 

in this sickening disturbing world 

a dangerous world 

with death at ever corner 

death in mind 27/7

the thoughts never go away

easy prey 

so fucken scared 

so angry 

so vulnerable 

So much hate 

So much anger 

 exhausting thoughts about the world 

world issues 

everyone has issues 

cannot let them win 

yet at some point 

its time to be tough 

frozen by fears 


Disoriented and distracted 

unhealthy and making even more unhealthier choices 

everyday they compound 

just like that interest rate on your debt 

the foolishness pays the way everyday 

the dark warm shivering 

Anxious fuckn disaster 

war at every corner 

feeling of heavy energy 

Lost and forgotten 

I stay 💋 

✚✦★also check out my new song hehe <333 ✦★

Soundcloud 🎶

p.s this post isn't an invite to the dark side of my mind lol

do not give my happy people advice 

If I want it I'll look 4 it

this whole mindset will 

be renewed and rearranged in a month... 

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